Fresh Lines
Sincerity in Islam
  taleemul islam
  October 23, 2017

The First Guideline




Indeed the first brick in the foundation of Islamic practices is: ikhlas (sincerity). Undoubtedly, sincerity can only accompany deeds that conform to shariah; it is impossible for one to have sincerity in sin.


In the field of knowledge, sincerity actually means: that the student should be cognisant of the fact that he is only seeking knowledge for the pleasure of Allah tala. Not for any other motive like:

acquiring worldly gain, fame or even because he hails from a family of ulama, etc.


The real secret of one’s success in both the worlds is:


ikhlas. The muhaddithun (narrators of Hadith), while discussing the importance of ikhlas, often quote the statement of Imam Hammad ibn Salamah (r):


“He who acquires hadith for motives other than the pleasure of Allah tala will certainly be taken to task.


Since the knowledge of hadith was the prevailing one at that time, Imam Hammad (r) specifically mentioned it. Or else it is naturally understood that the student of tafsir, for that matter is in no way less important than a hadith student, as this applies to all the branches of knowledge of Islam.


Indeed any student who is void of sincerity in his study, will be dealt with severely by Allah the Almighty:


“None can feel secure from Allah’s plan except the losers.” (7:99)

Allamah Al-Sakhawi (r) has quoted another statement of someone who said:


“Whoever seeks this knowledge (of Din) for the pleasure of Allah the Almighty, will attain the fortune and lofty ranks of this world as well as the hereafter, Whilst the one who lacks in this (sincerity), loses in this world and the next.”


The importance of sincerity can neither be encompassed in a single lecture like this one, nor in many more lectures. I would suffice to say:


“The basic ingredient for success that the ummah has lost today is Ikhlas (sincerity).”


Source: Golden Guidelines in the path of Knowledge/ By Shaikh Muhammad Awammah